God Helped Me Park My Car

God helped me park my car today.
Of course, I did not see Him.
He’s invisible —  Spirit, as they say,
But I knew it was He
For I felt his presence touch me!

I was at the supermarket
Circling the car park
In my metal vulture —
Searching for a space,
Hunting for a place to park my car.

I could feel my blood boiling —
My Christian veneer peeling in the heat,
And then it was I remembered
Him above!
And so I prayed — 

“Lord, help me find a space.
Grant me, Lord, a place
To park my car,
And make my day a good one!”
Then, miracle of miracles!

God granted me my prayer.
A space appeared as if from nowhere!
A place to park my car.
God — helped me park my car!

Meanwhile, on the other side of town,
A boy of eleven
Is praying —

“Lord in heaven,
Release me from this room I’m in —
This room of specimens!
And let my Teacher teach me not 
Another lesson.
I beg of thee — please see!”

But God could not be found
For He was on the other side of town
Helping me to find a space —
A place to park my car.

“Praise God for all you are!”